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New project!

And it’s one with a twist. I’ve always wanted to do something original and strong in the message, not necessarily with tanks, but in the beloved 1/35 scale. So I acquired two pigs, and I don’t mean livestock, because a dog and fish are enough for me. Purely by coincidence, being at the exchange of one of the modeling festivals, I enriched myself through a commodity exchange with some excellent quality 3D prints from the native company EMP3D. I was supposed to pick something for some of my paints, but I’ll admit that the selection of their souvenirs overwhelmed me. Well, I did choose. Besides the pigs… A toilet. Plus, a refrigerator styled in the ’60s and ’70s? And driving home more than a thousand kilometers, I wondered what I was going to build with it…

Well, the idea was born. Since I now have to work on the channel’s reach, and in show business, “nothing gets you blown like controversy,” well, the idea is vague, leaving room for conjecture, and I assume it is certainly clickable.

I plan to make a fragment of the Earth, maybe not the whole sphere, as shown here, but a torn-out part of the ground. From the lower, underground part, the face of the dying planet will emerge to us…. or perhaps it will symbolize the dying from junk food specimens living on it? Maybe it’s really about us because the Earth, after all, will always manage?

Controversial will certainly be establishing pigs as characters instead of people. This is to make some associations because since they are eating junk food and consuming mindlessly the content served to them by mainstream television, they are closer to people or pigs. Or maybe it’s people who are closer to… Well, that’s right.

I know that emotional discussions will arise, and I also expect a round of mocking from people who get too emotional and take some things too bluntly. Well, but I also hope that no one will pass by this work indifferently.

And the Modellers World TV channel will gain in popularity, which I hope you wish me 😀

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