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Russian hackers attack model stores?!

It Started with Maintenance Work on the Website It wasn’t easy to realize that something was wrong. Not because we didn’t notice a decrease in the website’s performance, but because it coincided with intensive work on the site. Since simple programming tasks aren’t a mystery to me and I can do many things myself, one […]

Winner of the “Do a model with us” contest in the Master category: Pawel Lewandowski!

We announce the results of the competition! The finalist in the “Master” category is Paweł Lewandowski! We would like to thank Peter for following the progress on our channel and joining in the fun. Mr. Pawel receives the Model World cup, a commemorative diploma and a 25% discount on future purchases in our store. Congratulations!

Winner of the Do it with us model contest in the Amateur category: Piotr Czajka!

The results of the competition are announced! The finalist in the “Amateur” category is Piotr Czajka! We would like to thank Piotr for following the progress on our channel and joining in the fun. Mr. Piotr receives the Modeling World cup, a commemorative diploma and a 25% discount on future purchases in our store. Congratulations!

International Model Festival Bytom (Poland) 2024

Howdy! The largest plastic model competition in Poland, to say the least, as far as the tradition of such events is concerned, took place in mid-March this year, exactly a week ago. Of course, as it is at events of this type, an inseparable element of such events was the marketplace, where local companies come […]

It’s official: we’re already on Patreon! As Modellers World TV

This is mainly important information for current Patrons registered on our site, but also for others who would like to support the development of my company and my personal growth as a Vlogger—or YouTuber, for that matter. Also, a publicist? Trendy terminology is now in abundance, anyway; back. Back to the point. Yes. Officially. Overnight. […]

Build a FT17 model with us challenge – final on April 1

When we started the FT 17 model project, we loudly announced a contest for those willing to build the model simultaneously. Things have extended mercilessly, mainly due to the change in the concept of blogging, building a studio for the YouTube channel, and so on. We know that several people built the model with us, […]

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