Tag: Video

Meng Ft-17 painted
Meng Ft-17 painted

Early access: Chipping medium and liquid mask on the same model? Check.

The second video and the second of four planned episodes from the Meng project. Thus, we are approaching the end of the somewhat drawn out 😉 Build a model with us contest, just in time for the pre-Christmas period. The video depicts my struggles with painting the camouflage on this tank, the First World War…
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First video of Modellers World TV

Early access: the first video on Modellers World TV channel is up!

It’s hard for me to describe my excitement! The new direction of development is just entering the first step. I won’t say that it was easy to present my person in a video material – it’s something completely different from journalism, though. But there it is; now, it only remains for me to wait for…
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